Frequently Asked Questions - Energy Healing
How many sessions do I need?
Sometimes one to three sessions is all that is required. This would be suited to someone who has a good working relationship with their own healing process. You may have been consciously holding a particular energy in preparation for healing and then seeking a session to assist with a process already well underway. The energy session here will rapidly move energy often resulting in substantial shifts.
However if there are more long-standing challenges that have been on the back-burner then 3 to 6 sessions is recommended. This will give Tim the opportunity to work through and clear deeply buried aspects within your energetic system that have been in operation over many years, if not a life-time. This work is usually a bit more cumbersome in nature however is rich and rewarding, especially when the old systems begin to unravel.
How much time should I leave between appointments
Generally a week or two between is a good amount of time to enable the body and the energy system to re-calibrate. During this time further information and keys usually arise which then feed in nicely to the next session.
Can I work with other therapists at the same time?
It is not recommended to engage more than one energy worker or therapist at any one given time, especially if working through some of the deeper aspects. For optimum healing to occur it is best to create a hermetically sealed container between client and therapist, this ensures all the energy for change in concentrated in the sessions resulting in more effective and long-lasting healing. However complementary approaches such as body work, yoga, naturopathy etc are encouraged.
What can I expect from a session?
What you put in is effectively what you receive. This essentially refers to the need to be actively involved and empowered in your own healing journey. It is very important to bear in mind that healing is an act of self-responsibility and self-worth. If there is no willingness to engage with the healing process within oneself, it is almost impossible for Tim to assist you with deep and long-lasting transformation and change. The deeper one enters into their own process of healing, the richer and more rewarding the sessions will be. You are ultimately responsible for your healing potential, Tim is simply helping you to remember and accelerate your innate capacity.
Please refer to the section on Energy Healing for more information on what the session entails.
What can I do to prepare for the session?
Once the session has been booked, Tim begins to hold the energy for the session. Simultaneously you will also begin to express, either consciously or unconsciously, the material that is seeking to emerge. The more you are able to expand upon and understand the nature of the healing that is seeking to take place, the deeper the session will be. Therefore it is recommended to start recording dreams, commence journaling, start thinking about one’s family history and where a pattern may be connected and so on. Leading into the session, whether online or in-person it is recommended to go slowly, create time and space for contemplation. If the healing is online it is recommended to set the space up beforehand so that it can be conducted in silence, in an environment that feels safe and supported.
Is long-distance energy healing effective?
Long-distance energy healing works pretty much the same way as in-person energy healing. It is a personal preference. Some prefer to be in-person whereas others feel more comfortable in their own home. The healing and transmissions occur irrespective of time and space.