Why Create a Blog?

Through my researches online I have often come across many an interesting article associated with someones web page written via their Blog, often there is valuable material that can surface as a result of this particular medium. This open source dissemination of knowledge is certainly one of my aims with writing this blog. However the other is that I am hoping to compile a body of written material that will one day be organised to present educational material for a course on Energy Healing and Consciousness. The way I intend to do this is by expressing my observations from my work coupled with the body of theory that I have been cultivating over many years. A place where theory meets practice, and the deeper known insights are reached. A place also that fuses the world of psychology with the spiritual realm, bridging the great divide. Over the course of this blog I will relate the basics and eventually branch out to include more topics, including inner practices to assist with conscious growth and individuation. So it is with this intention that I present the following material and very much hope that it will be of service and assist those who come across it.

Welcome and happy reading !


Transitions and Cross Roads


About the Symbol