About the Symbol
The centre is the beginning and the end; the point to which we all knowingly or unknowingly strive. It is the cross we bear. Extending upwards towards the heavens, and downwards towards the abyss. We are infinitely light and infinitely dark.
Around us our material world extends; the sacred plane in which the unending Uroboric cycle revolves. The place where the One can become All; the twelve houses, each a unique expression of the One. The inspiring dance of the ages.
The four rivers within the solar cross carry this essence of the twelve back to the One. Where do they go and whence do they come?
The Mystical Union. The place in the centre where all simply is, has ever been, and will ever be.
This, friends, is the Temenos. Known in Ancient Greece as a temple and sacred precinct. It is the place where we may glimpse and know the One and the All.
May we all return to this resting place that is our true home, and rejoice.