Transitions and Cross Roads
There are moments in life when a person arrives at a cross roads, a turning point in their life. Maybe this has come about through the coming up against multiple obstacles, maybe a close relative has passed away, or maybe there has simply been a perpetual absence of creativity and life but is in the process of change or discovery. Whatever the cause it is often accompanied with a sense of suffering in all the myriad forms. A feeling of tension that persists in the background, sometimes felt more subtly, sometimes felt with unbearable volume. The point is that a period of change has arrived at your door step and a decision is in the making that could drastically alter your entire world view and life. This is the point where you begin to ask yourself “is there more to this reality than meets the eye?”, it is a frame of consciousness that is beginning to emerge from the realisation that the life lived up until this point in time is inadequate. Not enough. There must be more. It is here that a decision is made that begins the journey towards self-discovery.
A profound insight I have gleaned from my work as a Healer and Counsellor is that when a person enters into my space with an inquiry for healing, it is often accompanied by a state of transition. In other words the person is ready for change and is ready to step forward into the unknown and trust in a deeper process beginning to unravel itself in their soul. This is a magical time as it denotes a point of long anticipated change, there is a charge that declares to the world “I am ready to know that which I do not know”. And how courageous it is! For in the process of declaring oneself to the universe, one instantly finds reprieve in the onward manifestation of change yet is simultaneously faced with unknown depths, the likes of which, had they anticipated prior, would probably never have chosen to embark on the particular path currently unfolding! More about this soon…but first the nature of energy siphons and projections…