Projections and Energetic Corridors

According to CG Jung “projection is one of the commonest psychic phenomena…Everything that is unconscious in ourselves we discover in our neighbour, and we treat him accordingly“. In this light projections act as mirrors to all those parts of our inner nature that we have not integrated into consciousness be they “good” or “bad”. A means of self-protection, the ego forms a boundary with the inner landscape as it instinctively knows it will be inundated by that which is beyond it. This is healthy response. To a point. In early life it is healthy not to delve too deep as we have not yet developed the container necessary to hold inner experiences of a more intense nature. However as we mature and formulate our understanding of our place in the world, when we do decide to enter into the unknown we have more stability in which to face it.

What is certain though is that the deeper and darker parts of our nature do not go away once they find no ground for integration in the ego. Being autonomous agents, they find their necessary expression in the act of projection via relationships with outside figures and fixations/compulsions. They unconsciously manoeuvre themselves without the conscious realisation of the person (ego) and find their expression in relationship with the outside world. Thus begins the strange and entangling world of life and relationships. This dynamic though is ultimately unsustainable as it is not based on a self-sufficient source of energy. The more these aspects are internally neglected, the more they will manifest in extreme ways, almost to say “I will express myself and you will hear me”. The more they are projected, the more the outside world will reflect our lack of internal integration and thus the problems in our life begin to escalate. We become more anxious. More depressed. Negative things begin to occur that happen in a continuous flow until we are driven to asking, or rather screaming, “why me!”.

And thus eventually the aspects have found their way to our awareness because due to the constant butting up against the unfairness of life we are finally resolved to create change. Arrive the healing room.

When this energy is projected into the outer world, the inner parts that are seeking expression will create energetic corridors with other external energies that mirror and interact with this particular energy frequency. In other words a part of the other persons energy field will be channelled into the individual in question’s energy field, thus creating an corridor between both parties. For example: the person arriving for healing will be sick and tired of a relationship dynamic where he/she feels dominated and controlled by their partner. Or, as is often the case the projection is closely linked to the psychic energy of ones Father and Mother.

So what actually takes place in this sort of circumstance during a healing session? Well, if the individual in question, through the years of suffering, has a fairly good grasp of how the projections are affecting them, then what can transpire in the healing session is the removal of the other persons energy from their energetic system. This is often experienced as profound and great relief to something that has been hanging around for far too long. The external energy is cleared by passing through the energy system and leaving the individual from the crown chakra. Locating this force in the session can sometimes be tricky as the aspect can be illusive or a bit of a trickster, trying to hide from the gaze of the healer. It often hides on the periphery of the aura and in fact is not necessarily lodged in the main energy centres of the individual. However once identified, it has no where to run and must come to terms with the situation. With gentle compassionate encouragement it usually makes its way out of the energetic body of the individual. Sometimes however it is less willing to part ways. In this circumstance the healer can call on assistance from Above, in an intuitive way, to a personal guide who will come down and assist with the transition, for me, this is sometimes the Christ energy, a representative from the Angelic Realm, and/or other higher dimensional beings. This will be unique to each individual practising the healing arts. This is particularly relevant when the energy in question is of a darker and less willing nature.

The external energy connected with our internal aspect has been cleared. New energy pours in and a further alignment to Divine energy has occurred. Sounds great. However this is only the beginning. This is the most important point to all healing: It is then down to the individual to courageously look within and begin to see the parts of themselves that they did not hitherto want to see, let alone identify with. If a projection or energetic corridor has been cleared and the individual just goes back into life with little to no self-contemplation, there is a strong chance that the cycles will repeat themselves to some degree. This might be fine for some as a conscious change has occurred and new life is given to a previously blocked state. However more often than not what occurs is a new found sense of Space. There then arises a capacity to begin to ask the question “what was it that drew me into the projective experience in the first place?”. Conscious growth is well and truly in the making with such a question.

It is important to bear in mind that the aspect that remains after a projection has been cleared is in fact a part of oneself and not necessarily healed. It usually has a personality and a particular image associated to it. It may be male or female, young or old etc. It also has its own trauma and karma and is ultimately seeking to clear its distortions and find its way home to Consciousness and Totality. This is the hard part of healing, which I will go into more detail in the next post. Whilst parts of this aspect will seek to be cleared, the purest essence of it is actually a part of our Divine nature and will remain in an integrated form within our being after the healing and transformation have taken place. It will feed and nourish us, providing us with a new found energy ultimately in service to Divine Will. The end result is a great paradox. We feel Empty of distortions but remain Full in our Beingness.


Owning the Shadow


Transitions and Cross Roads